Milk in a glass, so white and so bright,
Sitting on a hill, such a lovely sight.
With a belt around, to keep it tight,
It’s a perfect day, so clear and so light.
In a tent we rest, with a desk nearby,
To write and to draw, reaching for the sky.
With a bed so soft, and a pillow so high,
We dream of adventures, as we close our eyes.
And then we hear a bell, ringing with a "ten",
A call to action, let the fun begin!
We run and we play, in the fields so green,
With laughter and joy, our hearts full and clean.
So come on young ones, let’s dance and sing,
With milk in our hands, and love in our being.
For every hill we climb, and every bell we ring,
Brings us closer to joy, and makes our hearts sing.
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