The Yellow Flower Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily. She lived in a small village and loved the color yellow. Every year, on her birthday, she would wear a yellow dress and have a big yellow cake.

One day, Lily asked her mother, "Can I go on an adventure yesterday?" Her mother replied with a yes, and Lily was so excited! She packed a yellow backpack with all of her favorite things and set off on her journey.

As she walked, she came across a wise old man who asked, "Where are you going, young one?" Lily replied, "I'm going on an adventure! I want to see the world and have new experiences." The old man nodded and said, "That's a wonderful idea, but don't forget to always be kind and help others along the way."

Lily continued her journey and met many people, but she always remembered the old man's words. Whenever someone needed help, she would say yes and do what she could to assist them.

Eventually, Lily came across a beautiful yellow flower that she had never seen before. She picked it and brought it back to the old man to show him. He smiled and said, "That flower is yours, a symbol of all the kindness and love you've spread on your journey."

From that day on, Lily always wore the yellow flower in her hair and continued to help others whenever she could. And even though she had many adventures, she never forgot the lesson she learned: that it's not about where you go, but how you make a difference in the world and in the lives of others.

The end.


  1. What is the name of the main character in the story?
  2. What is Lily's favorite color?
  3. Why did Lily go on an adventure?
  4. Who did Lily meet on her journey?
  5. What did the old man tell Lily before she started her adventure?
  6. What did Lily learn on her journey?
  7. What did the old man give Lily at the end of her adventure?
  8. Why is it important to be kind and help others?

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