The Brave Friends and the River Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who lived by a lake. Their names were Will, Wendy, and Wally. They loved to play by the water and go on adventures.

One day, they decided to build a raft and float down the way the river flowed. They worked hard and finally finished their raft, but as they started to paddle, they realized they were too weak to make it very far.

So, they decided to wear their life jackets and take turns paddling. The weather was warm and sunny, and they had a great time floating down the river.

But suddenly, a storm rolled in, and the wind and rain made it hard to see where they were going. The waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the friends were getting scared.

Just then, they saw a lighthouse in the distance. They paddled as fast as they could, and when they reached the lighthouse, they were greeted by a kind old man who offered to help.

He showed them the way to safety and gave them warm blankets to wear. The friends were so grateful and promised to never go on a rafting adventure without being prepared for any kind of weather.

From then on, they always checked the weather before they went on any adventures and made sure they were strong enough to handle whatever came their way. And they lived happily ever after, always ready for their next adventure by the water.


  1. What did the friends build by the lake?
  2. Why did they have trouble floating down the river?
  3. What happened during the storm?
  4. Who helped the friends when they were in trouble?
  5. What did the friends learn from their adventure?
  6. Why is it important to check the weather before going on an adventure?
  7. What would you have done if you were in the friends' situation?

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