Discovering the Wonders of the Natural World

In the desert, hot and dry,
Where insects scurry, buzz, and fly,
There's a world of creatures big and small,
Living and surviving, giving their all.

In the icy world, where snowflakes dance,
Fish swim beneath the surface in a trance,
Plants grow tall, reaching for the sky,
In this frozen world, they'll never die.

In the forest, tall trees reach so high,
Where creatures roam and creatures fly,
Plants and flowers of all kinds grow,
In this wooded world, life begins to glow.

In the jungle, thick and green,
A world of wonder, a world serene,
Where animals and plants all thrive,
And every day, they come alive.

On the grasslands, wide and vast,
Where the wind blows, and the buffalo graze,
Fish swim in rivers, and animals hunt,
Eating plants and meat, until they're full and content.

And finally, in the ocean's deep,
A world of magic, a world to keep,
Where fish and plants and creatures thrive,
In this underwater world, life will always survive.

So now you see, in every land,
There's a world of creatures, just waiting to be scanned,
And though they may be different, big and small,
They're all a part of nature, and that's the biggest draw of all.


  1. What different habitats are described in the poem?
  2. Which one is your favorite habitat and why?
  3. What do the different creatures in each habitat eat?
  4. What is the main message of the poem?
  5. How are the habitats and creatures in the poem alike and different?
  6. What can we learn from the different habitats and creatures in nature?
  7. How can we protect and preserve these habitats and their inhabitants?

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