Wendy's Early Morning Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Wendy who lived in a small village. One day, Wendy woke up early in the morning and decided to go for a walk in the forest.

As she walked, she saw a beautiful waterfall and wanted to take a closer look. She carefully made her way down to the water's edge and was amazed by the crystal-clear water. She wanted to take a swim, but the water was too cold.

Wendy remembered her mother telling her to never waste water, so instead of swimming, she washed her face and hands in the cool water. She felt refreshed and decided to sit by the waterfall and watch the water flow.

As she sat, she noticed the sun starting to rise and the air getting warmer. She decided to wait and enjoy the warmth of the sun on her face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling grateful for this peaceful moment.

After a while, Wendy opened her eyes and saw a group of animals coming to the waterfall to drink and play. She watched them for a while, fascinated by their movements and interactions.

Eventually, Wendy realized it was time to head back home. She got up, feeling happy and refreshed from her early morning walk. She promised herself to come back to the waterfall again soon.

The end.


  1. What did Wendy want to do when she saw the waterfall?
  2. Why did Wendy wash her face and hands instead of swimming?
  3. What did Wendy do while she waited for the sun to rise?
  4. What did Wendy see when she opened her eyes after waiting?
  5. How did Wendy feel after her early morning adventure?

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