The Great Hide and Seek Adventure of the Rainbow Friends

Once upon a time, in a magical land, there lived 10 friends named Orange, Purple, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Pink, White, Brown, and Black. They all lived in a big castle made of rainbow colors, and they were the best of friends.

One day, Orange had an idea. He said, "Hey guys, let's play a game of hide and seek!" The others agreed, and Purple volunteered to be "it".

Purple counted to 100 while the others scattered to hide. Yellow found a cozy spot behind a bush, Green blended in with the trees, Pink hid inside a big flower, and the others found unique places to conceal themselves.

However, White was having trouble finding a good hiding spot. Just as Purple finished counting, White spotted a large white sheet hanging from a clothesline. He quickly ran over and crawled under the sheet, thinking he was now invisible.

Purple started searching, and he found Blue hiding behind a rock. Then he found Red hiding in a red hat, and he even found Brown hiding in a brown bag. But White was nowhere to be found.

After searching for what felt like hours, Purple finally gave up and returned to the castle to call the game a draw. That's when White emerged from under the sheet, saying, "Surprise! I won!"

Everyone laughed and cheered for White, who was now the official winner of the game. And from that day on, every time they played hide and seek, White would always choose the white sheet as his hiding spot.

The End.


  1. Who won the game of hide and seek in the story?
  2. How did White come up with his hiding spot?
  3. What were some of the other hiding spots the friends used?
  4. What did the castle in the story look like?
  5. Why did everyone cheer for White at the end of the story?

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