The Wise Little Rabbit: A Lesson in Listening

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit named Benny. Benny loved to play and explore the forest, but he often got into trouble because he didn't listen to his mother's advice.

One day, Benny was hopping through the forest and came across a wise old owl. The owl asked Benny, "Why are you in such a hurry, little rabbit?"

Benny replied, "I just love to play and have fun!"

The owl smiled and said, "That's great, but it's important to listen too. When you listen, you can learn many valuable things that will help you live a happy life."

Benny realized that the owl was right and decided to start listening more. He went back to his mother and asked her to teach him all the important things he needed to know to live a happy life.

From that day on, Benny listened carefully to his mother's advice and learned many valuable lessons. He learned about the importance of being kind, helping others, and taking care of the forest.

As Benny grew up, he became known as the wisest and kindest rabbit in the forest. Everyone came to him for advice and he always had a listening ear.

Benny lived a long and happy life, always remembering the wise words of the old owl, "Listen, little one, and you will live a happy life."


  1. Why was Benny always in a hurry?
  2. What did the old owl teach Benny about listening?
  3. What did Benny learn from his mother about living a happy life?
  4. Why was Benny known as the wisest and kindest rabbit in the forest?
  5. What was the most important lesson Benny learned in the story?

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