The Lion's List: A Lesson in Living with Light and Honesty

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a library where everyone went to borrow books and learn new things. One day, a little boy named Timmy went to the library and saw a big lion sitting outside. Timmy was scared and he thought that the lion would eat him, so he told a lie and said that he had to go home.

The lion, who was actually very friendly, asked Timmy why he was lying and Timmy explained that he was afraid. The lion then said, "Life is full of light and dark moments, but it's important to like yourself and be true to who you are."

Timmy was surprised that the lion was so wise and he asked the lion how he knew so much. The lion replied, "I listen to the stories that people tell me and I learn from them. I also have a list of things that I live by, and one of them is to always be honest."

Timmy was impressed and he asked the lion if he could see the list. The lion smiled and said, "Of course, but first you have to promise to listen to your heart and live your life with kindness and honesty." Timmy promised and the lion showed him the list.

As Timmy read the list, he realized that the lion was right. He learned that life is about learning, growing, and being true to yourself. He thanked the lion for his wisdom and went home with a new perspective on life.

From that day on, Timmy lived his life with a smile on his lips and a light in his heart. He learned to listen to his heart, be true to himself, and always live with kindness and honesty. And he never forgot the wise words of the lion at the library.


  1. Why was Timmy afraid of the lion at the library?
  2. What did the lion teach Timmy about life?
  3. What did Timmy promise to do after seeing the lion's list?
  4. How did Timmy's life change after his visit to the library?
  5. What is the most important lesson that Timmy learned from the lion?

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