The Queen and the Quacking Quilt

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a queen named Quilty. She was known for her love of quilting and always had a quilt nearby, even when she was ruling the kingdom.

One day, the queen was taking a walk in the royal gardens when she heard a strange quacking sound. She followed the sound and found a duck who was sitting on a pile of quarters.

The queen approached the duck and asked, "Excuse me, but why do you have all these quarters?" The duck replied in a quiet voice, "I'm saving them so I can buy a new quilt."

The queen was surprised and asked the duck, "A quilt? But why do you need a quilt?"

The duck answered, "I live in a pond, and it gets cold at night. I want a warm quilt to snuggle in and keep me cozy."

The queen was so touched by the duck's story that she decided to make him a quilt herself. She spent the next few days gathering the softest materials and sewing the warmest quilt she could.

Finally, the day arrived when the queen presented the quilt to the duck. The duck was so grateful and hugged the quilt, quacking with joy.

From that day forward, the duck and the queen became the best of friends. They would often take walks in the garden and have quiet conversations about all sorts of interesting questions.

And every time the duck felt cold, he would snuggle up in his quilt and remember the queen's kindness.

The end.


  1. What was the duck doing with all the quarters in the story?
  2. Why did the duck need a quilt?
  3. Who made the quilt for the duck?
  4. How did the duck and the queen become friends?
  5. Can you think of a time when someone was kind to you like the queen was to the duck?

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