Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there was a young wizard named Wally. Wally was a mischievous wizard who loved to play pranks on his friends. One day, while he was walking through the forest, he stumbled upon a wand that was lying on the ground. The wand was enchanted and whoever held it would have the power to make anything they wished for come true.
Wally, being the prankster he was, decided to have some fun with his new-found wand. He first aimed the wand at a woodpecker that was pecking on a tree and wished for the woodpecker to turn into a funny looking bird. The woodpecker immediately transformed into a bird with a long beak and a round body.
The next thing Wally did was point the wand towards a window and wished for it to turn into a giant slide. The window turned into a giant slide and Wally couldn't resist the urge to slide down it. As he was sliding down, he saw a white mouse running by and he wished for the mouse to turn into a giant mouse. The mouse turned into a giant mouse and Wally couldn't stop laughing at how silly it looked.
Suddenly, they heard a loud trumpet-like sound and they saw a whale emerging from the nearby river. Wally aimed the wand at the whale and wished for it to turn into a giant worm. The whale turned into a giant worm and started wriggling around, making Wally and the giant mouse laugh even more.
The day passed by with Wally and the giant mouse having the time of their lives, playing pranks on everyone they encountered. But, as the sun began to set, Wally knew it was time to undo all the mischief he had caused. He pointed the wand at the giant worm, the giant mouse, the funny looking bird, and the giant slide, and wished for everything to go back to normal.
And just like that, everything went back to normal and Wally knew it was time for him to return the wand to its rightful owner. From that day on, Wally made sure to use his powers for good and spread joy and laughter wherever he went.
The end.
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