Benny's Friendly Adventure at Mrs. Green's Front Door

Once upon a time, there was a friendly little bear named Benny. Benny lived in a forest and loved to explore new places. One day, while wandering around, he came across a big house with a large front yard.

Benny was curious about who lived in the house, so he approached the front door. Suddenly, the door opened, and a friendly voice greeted him, "Hello there, little bear! What brings you to our front door?"

Benny was surprised to see a kind lady standing in front of him. She introduced herself as Mrs. Green and invited him inside. Benny was amazed at how friendly and welcoming Mrs. Green was. He felt right at home in her cozy house.

Mrs. Green told Benny that she lived there with her family and that they were from a far-off land. She showed him around the house and introduced him to her children, who were just as friendly as she was. Benny and the children quickly became friends and had a lot of fun playing together in the front yard.

Benny learned that it doesn't matter where you're from, what's important is that you are friendly and welcoming to others. He was grateful for the new friends he had made and promised to visit them often.

From that day on, Benny and the Green family became the best of friends, and Benny felt like he had found a second home. He was happy to have met such kind and friendly people, right at the front door of their big house in the forest.


  1. Who is Benny and where does he live?
  2. What does Benny learn from his visit to Mrs. Green's house?
  3. How does Mrs. Green and her family make Benny feel?
  4. What does Benny promise to do after his visit?
  5. What can we learn from Benny's adventure at Mrs. Green's front door?

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