Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived seven friends who each had a different job. There was a musician named Jingle, an office worker named Punchy, a repairman named Fixit, a conductor named Harmony, an astronaut named Sky, a soldier named Brave, and a judge named Wise.
One day, Jingle had an idea to form a band and perform a concert for the kingdom. He gathered all his friends and they each took on a role in the band. Jingle played the guitar, Punchy played the drums, Fixit played the bass, Harmony conducted the orchestra, Sky played the synthesizer, Brave played the trumpet, and Wise played the triangle.
The day of the concert arrived and the friends were ready to take the stage. They started playing their instruments and everyone in the kingdom was amazed at the beautiful music they heard. But suddenly, there was a problem. The music was so loud that it caused a statue in the town square to fall and break into pieces.
Everyone was worried, but Judge Wise stepped in and declared that the band was responsible for fixing the statue. Fixit, the repairman, got to work fixing the statue, but it wasn't as easy as he thought. He needed some help from his friends.
So, Sky, the astronaut, used his space tools to fix the statue. Brave, the soldier, used his strength to lift heavy pieces. And Punchy, the office worker, used his organizational skills to keep everyone on task.
With the help of their friends, Fixit was able to fix the statue just in time for the finale of the concert. The band played their hearts out, and everyone in the kingdom cheered. The concert was a huge success!
However, the town's lawyer wasn't too happy with the concert. He claimed that the band broke a town rule by playing music that was too loud. Judge Wise listened to both sides and declared that the band had to perform another concert, but this time they had to keep the volume down.
So, the band got back together and put on a concert that was just as beautiful, but much softer. The town's lawyer was pleased, and everyone in the kingdom was happy. And from that day on, the seven friends continued to play music together and bring joy to the kingdom.
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