Once upon a time, in a magical school filled with talking supplies, a pen named Penelope was feeling down. She thought she was the most boring supply in the classroom.
One day, she overheard a crayon named Cray saying how amazing she was because she could draw in any color she wanted! Penelope was envious and wished she could be just as special.
That's when she had an idea! She asked the blackboard if she could use her to show off her unique skills. The blackboard agreed and Penelope began to write a story in a beautiful calligraphy style.
The pencil named Pencil was so impressed that he suggested they put on a show for the other supplies. The eraser named Erase quickly jumped on board to help with the production, while the ruler named Rule helped with the stage design.
The book named Book offered to provide the script and the glue named Glue offered to hold everything together.
The show was a huge success! All of the supplies cheered for Penelope and she finally felt special and appreciated. From that day on, she learned that what makes her special is her own unique abilities and that she shouldn't compare herself to others.
And so, the supplies lived happily ever after, each using their own special skills to create beautiful and memorable works of art. The end.
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