The Adventures of Brushy and Friends: The Great Toothpaste Bubble Bath

Once upon a time, there was a toothbrush named Brushy. Brushy lived in a bathroom with all of his friends, the toothpaste, the basin, the bucket, the bubble, and the comb.

One day, Brushy woke up to find that the toothpaste was missing. He asked the basin, "Have you seen the toothpaste?" The basin replied, "No, but maybe the bucket knows where it is."

So, Brushy went to ask the bucket and the bucket said, "I haven't seen the toothpaste either, but maybe the bubble has an idea."

The bubble was blowing in the wind and when Brushy asked about the toothpaste, the bubble replied, "I haven't seen it, but I did hear a rumor that the comb is hiding it!"

Brushy couldn't believe it, but he went to ask the comb anyway. The comb looked guilty and finally confessed, "I did take the toothpaste, but I only did it because I wanted to make a bubble bath!"

Brushy was shocked and asked, "A bubble bath? What's that?" The comb explained, "It's where you put the toothpaste in a basin, add water and use me to make bubbles."

So, Brushy, the basin, the bucket, and the bubble all worked together to make the best bubble bath they could. They had so much fun that they decided to make it a weekly tradition.

And every week, they would use the toothpaste, the basin, the bucket, the brush, the bubble, and the comb to make the bubbliest, most fun bubble bath ever!

The end.


  1. Who was Brushy in the story and what did he do?
  2. Who took the toothpaste in the story and why?
  3. What did the comb, basin, bucket, and bubble do in the story?
  4. What did Brushy and his friends make in the end?
  5. What did Brushy learn from this story?
  6. Would you like to try making a bubble bath with your friends, like in the story? Why or why not?
  7. Who was your favorite character in the story and why?

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