Once upon a time, in a magical land, there lived seven best friends named Bodyguard, Cleaner, Athlete, Secretary, Worker, Fashion Designer, and Architect. They all lived in a big castle and had different jobs, but they all loved to have fun and go on adventures together.
One day, they decided to have a race to see who was the fastest. They all got ready and lined up at the starting line. Bodyguard, being a strong and brave bodyguard, was confident that he would win. Cleaner, who was always tidy and neat, was hoping to clean up the competition. Athlete, who was an expert in all sports, was ready to run like the wind. Secretary, who was quick and organized, was ready to take notes on everyone's times. Worker, who was hardworking and determined, was ready to work his way to the finish line. Fashion Designer, who was fashionable and creative, was ready to design the perfect racing outfit. And Architect, who was smart and innovative, was ready to build the perfect track.
The race began, and everyone was running as fast as they could. Bodyguard was in the lead, but Cleaner was close behind, cleaning up the track as she ran. Athlete was right behind her, using all of his sports skills to catch up. Secretary was taking notes on everyone's times, but she was also running as fast as she could. Worker was working hard and getting closer and closer to the finish line. Fashion Designer was having so much fun designing her outfit that she forgot to run, and Architect was busy building the perfect track.
Just as Bodyguard was about to cross the finish line, he tripped and fell, and Cleaner ran past him and won the race! Bodyguard was so surprised that he didn't even notice that Architect had built a trap door at the finish line.
Everyone was so proud of Cleaner and they all cheered and applauded. They had so much fun that they decided to have another race tomorrow, and this time, they would all work together to build the perfect track and design the perfect racing outfit.
And from that day on, the seven best friends continued to have fun and go on adventures together, always cheering each other on and working together as a team. They were the greatest team of friends in the magical land, and nothing could ever change that. The end.
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