The Fun Sports Competition with Max, Lily, and Timmy

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends named Max, Lily, and Timmy who loved to play outside. One day, they decided to have a fun competition to see who was the best at different sports.

The first challenge was to see who could pull the heaviest sled up a hill. Max was the winner with his strong arms, but Timmy wasn't far behind.

Next, they moved on to a catch competition. Lily proved to be a pro with her quick reflexes and caught the ball every time. Max and Timmy were impressed.

For the third challenge, they all put on their skates and tried to skate as fast as they could around a rink. Timmy was the winner, gliding smoothly and quickly.

The fourth challenge was a ski race down a snowy hill. Max was in the lead, but Lily caught up quickly and passed him at the finish line.

For the fifth challenge, they tested their pushing skills by trying to push a heavy boulder up a hill. Timmy was the strongest and pushed it all the way to the top.

Next, they had a carrying competition to see who could carry the most weight. Lily carried a heavy bag of potatoes on her back and made it look easy.

Finally, it was time for the throw competition. They each took turns trying to throw a ball the farthest. Max threw it the farthest and won the last challenge.

For the last event, they all climbed a tall tree to see who could reach the top the fastest. Timmy was the winner, climbing quickly and easily.

In the end, they all agreed that they were each the best at different things and that's what made them great friends. They had a lot of fun and couldn't wait to have another competition again soon.

The End.


  1. Who won each of the different challenges in the competition?
  2. What did Lily show to be great at in the catch competition?
  3. Who was the winner of the ski race?
  4. Who showed the most strength in the push competition?
  5. Who won the carry competition?
  6. What did the friends learn about each other at the end of the competition?
  7. Which challenge did you think was the most fun to imagine?
  8. What does the story teach us about our strengths and weaknesses?

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