Fuzzy and the Adventure of the Toe-Hold Apple

Once upon a time, there was a funny little creature named Fuzzy who lived in the forest. Fuzzy had feet that were much too big for his body, and he was always tripping and falling over his own toes.

One day, as Fuzzy was walking through the forest, he stumbled upon a big, juicy apple that had fallen from a tree. He reached out his hand to grab it, but it was just a little too far away. He stretched his arm as far as he could, but he still couldn't reach the apple.

Just as he was about to give up, he had an idea! He placed his foot on his palm and hoisted himself up, using his waist as a pivot point. He stood on his tippy-toes and reached out his arm once again, this time successfully grabbing the apple.

But as he was about to take a big bite, he realized that he had forgotten to use his thumb to hold the apple. It slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground.

Fuzzy was so sad that he cried a river of tears. But then he remembered that he still had his toes! He used his toes to pick up the apple and held it tightly in his ankle.

Just as he was about to take a bite, he noticed a shiny object on the ground. It was a nail! Fuzzy used the nail to carve a little face into the apple and gave it a personality.

From that day forward, Fuzzy and his new friend, the apple with a face, had many adventures together. And Fuzzy was never without a snack, as long as he had his trusty toes to pick it up for him.

The end.


  1. What was Fuzzy's problem in getting the apple?
  2. How did Fuzzy use his foot and palm to reach the apple?
  3. How did Fuzzy use his toes to pick up the apple?
  4. What did Fuzzy do with the nail he found on the ground?
  5. What kind of adventures did Fuzzy have with the apple with a face?

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