Max and the Mischievous Wind: A Tale of Silly Faces

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Max who had the most expressive face you'd ever seen. Max loved making silly faces and he was always cracking everyone up with his silly expressions.

One day, Max was playing in the park when a mischievous wind came along and started playing tricks on him. The wind blew Max's eyes to the top of his forehead, his eyebrows down to his cheeks, and even switched his ears with his eyes!

Max was so confused. He looked in the mirror and couldn't believe what he saw! His eyes were now on the sides of his head, his eyebrows were on his chin, and his ears were where his eyes used to be. He looked like a total goofball!

Max decided to have some fun with his new look. He went to the grocery store and made silly faces at everyone he saw. The people in the store couldn't help but laugh at Max's funny face.

Next, Max went to school and showed his friends his new look. His classmates couldn't stop giggling and making silly faces of their own. Max was having the time of his life, making everyone laugh and spreading joy wherever he went.

But then, the mischievous wind returned and decided to switch Max's face back to normal. Max was so happy to have his eyes, eyebrows, and ears back in the right place, but he couldn't help but miss his silly face.

From that day on, Max made silly faces whenever he could and always brought a smile to people's faces. And even though he no longer had his silly face, he had a heart full of joy and a smile that was just as contagious.


  1. How did Max feel when his eyes, eyebrows, and ears were switched?
  2. What did Max do to make everyone laugh?
  3. How did Max's friends react when they saw his silly face?
  4. What did the wind do at the end of the story?
  5. How did Max feel about having his normal face back?
  6. What did Max learn about joy and happiness from this experience?

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