The Magic Handbag Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily who loved carrying around her handbag everywhere she went. One day, while walking down the street, she stumbled and accidentally bumped into a lady.

The lady looked down at her and said, "Pardon me, but could you please watch where you're going?"

Lily was very sorry and replied, "Excuse me, I am so sorry. It was an accident."

The lady then said, "Yes, well, accidents happen. But could you please make sure it doesn't happen again?"

Lily nodded and continued on her way, but as she walked she suddenly realized that her handbag was missing. She quickly retraced her steps and found the lady rummaging through her bag.

"Excuse me, but what are you doing with my handbag?" Lily asked.

The lady looked up and said, "Oh, is this your handbag? I found it on the ground and was making sure there was nothing valuable in it."

Lily was shocked and said, "Yes, this is my handbag. Can I please have it back?"

The lady handed it over and said, "Of course, here you go. But may I ask what's so special about this handbag?"

Lily replied, "Well, it's not just any ordinary handbag. It has a special power. Whenever I say 'Yes' and then 'This is me', the handbag will grow to an enormous size and carry me wherever I want to go."

The lady raised her eyebrows and said, "Really? Can I see it in action?"

Lily smiled and said, "Yes, this is me." Suddenly, her handbag grew and lifted her up into the air. The lady was amazed and said, "Wow, I've never seen anything like that before. Can you give me a ride?"

Lily laughed and replied, "Of course! Hop on." And with that, the handbag carried them off into the sky, soaring above the city and having a great time.

From that day on, whenever Lily needed to go somewhere, she would simply say "Yes, this is me" and her handbag would take her there. And she always made sure to watch where she was going so she wouldn't bump into anyone or lose her special handbag again.


  1. What happened to Lily when she bumped into the lady on the street?
  2. What did the lady do with Lily's handbag?
  3. What was special about Lily's handbag?
  4. What happened when Lily said "Yes, this is me"?
  5. Did the lady have a fun time with Lily and the handbag?
  6. Why did Lily make sure to watch where she was going from then on?
  7. Can you think of a time when you wanted something to grow bigger like the handbag?
  8. If you had a magic handbag like Lily's, where would you want to go first?
  9. Do you think you would be careful with your magic handbag like Lily was?
  10. What do you think the lady thought about the magic handbag after her adventure with Lily?

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