The Keyboard Engineer: An Adventure in Career Discovery

Once upon a time, there was a keyboard who lived in a computer. The keyboard loved his job of helping people type letters and numbers, but he always dreamed of doing something more exciting. One day, he overheard the computer engineer talking about different professions, and the keyboard thought, "I want to be an engineer too!"

So the keyboard decided to go on an adventure to explore the world and learn about different jobs. He started by asking people he met, "What is your job?"

The first person he met was a policeman. The keyboard asked, "What is your job?" and the policeman replied, "I am a policeman. I help keep people safe." The keyboard was very impressed and thought, "That's a great job, but it's not for me."

Next, the keyboard met a person who was working as an operator. The operator told the keyboard, "I am an operator. I help people make phone calls." The keyboard was fascinated, but he still wanted to learn about more jobs.

Finally, the keyboard met a person who was an engineer. The keyboard was so excited and asked, "What is your job?" The engineer replied, "I am an engineer. I design and build things to make people's lives better." The keyboard was over the moon and said, "That's the job for me! I want to be an engineer too!"

The engineer was very kind and agreed to teach the keyboard all about engineering. The keyboard worked hard and learned so much that he became an engineer himself. From then on, he was no longer just a keyboard, but an engineer keyboard.

The keyboard was so happy that he wanted to celebrate by having a party. He invited all the people he had met on his adventure, including the policeman and the operator. They all had a great time eating cake and dancing, and the keyboard felt so grateful for all the new friends he had made.

The end.

P.S. The keyboard never did find out what his nationality was, but he didn't really care. He was too busy having fun being an engineer and making the world a better place!


  1. What was the keyboard's original job?
  2. What job did the keyboard want to do after meeting the engineer?
  3. Who did the keyboard invite to his party at the end of the story?
  4. What did the keyboard learn from the engineer?
  5. Why was the keyboard happy being an engineer?
  6. What was the name of the keyboard?
  7. How did the keyboard feel after becoming an engineer?
  8. What do you think the keyboard will do next?
  9. What is your favorite part of the story?
  10. If you could choose any job, what would it be and why?

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