Gary the Green Hat's Colorful Adventure

Once upon a time, in a colorful world, there was a green hat named Gary. Gary was a lovely hat and loved to have fun. He lived in a big house with many other hats and they all had different colors and shapes. Gary was always the center of attention, because of his unique green color.

One day, Gary decided to go on an adventure. He wanted to explore the upstairs of the big house. So, he took a step and started to climb the stairs. When he reached the top, he saw a case full of hats, but they were all the same color, brown.

Gary thought to himself, "This is boring, I want to add some color to this place." So, he took a deep breath and jumped into the case. And to his surprise, the brown hats started to change color, one by one. They turned into all different colors, just like Gary.

The brown hats were so happy, they started to dance and sing, "We love our colors, we love our colors, we love our colors so much!"

Gary was so proud of himself, he thought, "I am so smart, I made the brown hats happy."

Just then, the other hats from downstairs heard the singing and came running upstairs to see what was going on. They were amazed to see all the different colors in the case. Gary explained to them what had happened and they all loved it.

From that day on, Gary and the brown hats were the best of friends, always together, exploring and having fun. And every time they passed by the stairs, they would sing, "We love our colors, we love our colors, we love our colors so much!"

The end.


  1. What was Gary's favorite color?
  2. Why did Gary go upstairs in the big house?
  3. What happened when Gary jumped into the case of brown hats?
  4. What did the brown hats start to do after they changed color?
  5. How did the other hats react when they saw the change in the case of brown hats?
  6. What was the message of the story?
  7. What can we learn from Gary's adventure?
  8. Do you think Gary will go on another adventure? Why or why not?

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