Max the Mischievous Mouse: A Trousers Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse named Max. Max lived in a cozy mouse hole near the living room of a big house.

One day, Max decided to explore the living room. He had heard so much about it from his mouse friends, but he had never been there himself. So, he scampered out of his mouse hole and into the living room.

The first thing Max noticed was a big armchair near the window. He ran over to it, climbed up, and took a look outside. The view was stunning! Max was so busy admiring the view that he didn't even notice a pair of trousers that had been left on the armchair.

Just then, Max heard a loud crash! He turned around and saw that the trousers had fallen off the armchair and were now covering the door. Max giggled to himself. He had never seen a door dressed in trousers before!

Max decided to make the most of this funny situation and have a little fun. He scampered up the trousers, climbed onto the door handle, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. He was having the time of his life!

Suddenly, Max heard footsteps coming towards the door. He quickly scurried back down the trousers and hid behind the armchair. The door opened, and in walked a little girl. She was carrying a picture frame, and she was looking for a place to hang it.

Max watched as the girl searched for the perfect spot on the wall. Just when she was about to hang the picture, Max scampered up the wall and stood in front of the picture frame. He waved his little arms and made silly faces, trying to distract the girl.

The little girl was so surprised that she started to giggle. She couldn't hang the picture with Max in the way, so she put it down and started to play with Max. They had a wonderful time playing together, and Max was so happy that he had met such a nice new friend.

From that day on, Max and the little girl were the best of friends. They played together every day, and Max never forgot the funny day when he hid behind the trousers and made silly faces.


  1. What did Max do when he first saw the view from the armchair near the window?
  2. Why did Max hide behind the trousers?
  3. Who walked into the room while Max was playing on the door?
  4. What did Max do to try and distract the little girl who came into the room?
  5. Who became best friends after the events of the story?
  6. How did the little girl react when Max made silly faces in front of the picture she was trying to hang?
  7. What was the significance of the picture in the story?
  8. Why was the title of the story "Max the Mischievous Mouse: A Trousers Adventure"?

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