Larry the Lamb's Misadventure at the Butcher Shop

Once upon a time, there was a lamb named Larry. Larry was a curious little lamb who loved to ask questions and learn about the world. One day, Larry decided to visit the local butcher to find out more about meat.

When he arrived, he found the butcher busy chopping up beef and chicken. Larry was so fascinated by what he saw that he decided to ask the butcher some questions.

"Excuse me, Mr. Butcher," said Larry. "Can you tell me what kind of meat you're cutting?"

The butcher looked up and smiled at Larry. "Well, young lamb, this is beef and chicken," he said.

Larry was amazed. "Really?" he asked. "I've never tasted beef or chicken before. What do they taste like?"

The butcher thought for a moment. "Well, beef tastes like a juicy, delicious steak, and chicken tastes like a juicy, delicious drumstick," he said.

Larry was so excited to try these new foods that he asked the butcher if he could have some. But the butcher had a surprise for Larry.

"I'm sorry, Larry," said the butcher. "I can't give you any beef or chicken to eat. You see, lambs are supposed to eat grass, not meat."

Larry was disappointed, but he wanted to learn the truth about meat. So he asked the butcher if he could see what beef and chicken looked like before they were cooked.

The butcher agreed, and he showed Larry the raw beef and chicken. Larry was shocked to see that the beef and chicken looked nothing like the juicy, delicious steaks and drumsticks that the butcher had described.

"This can't be right," thought Larry. "I have to talk to my husband and find out the truth about meat."

So, Larry ran home as fast as he could and told his husband all about his visit to the butcher. His husband listened carefully and then explained the truth to Larry.

"Larry, my dear lamb, the butcher was just joking with you," said Larry's husband. "Beef and chicken don't look or taste like steak and drumsticks until they are cooked with spices and served with delicious ingredients like tomato and mince."

Larry was amazed and so grateful to have learned the truth about meat. From that day on, he never trusted butchers who told tall tales about the taste of steak and drumsticks! And either did any other lambs.


  1. What did Larry want to learn about when he visited the butcher?
  2. What did the butcher tell Larry about beef and chicken?
  3. How did Larry feel when he saw the raw beef and chicken?
  4. What did Larry's husband tell him about the taste of beef and chicken?
  5. How did Larry feel after learning the truth about meat?
  6. Why was Larry's visit to the butcher a misadventure?
  7. Do you think Larry will believe butchers in the future? Why or why not?

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