The Secret Cinema Adventure: A Tale of Wishes and Movies in Paris

Once upon a time, in the beautiful city of Paris, there lived a little girl named Amélie. She loved nothing more than watching films at the local cinema. One day, she went to the cinema to watch the latest film, but it was sold out! Amélie was so disappointed, she had never been to a sold out movie before.

Feeling sad, Amélie decided to take a walk around the city to clear her head. As she was walking, she stumbled upon a secret door hidden behind a large poster. She looked around to make sure no one was watching, and opened the door to find a hidden cinema!

Amélie was amazed, she had never seen anything like it before. The cinema was so beautiful, with golden walls and plush red seats. She took a seat and was about to press the play button when she noticed something odd. Instead of starting the film, a genie popped out of the screen!

"I am the Genie of the Cinema," the genie said. "I can grant you any wish related to movies."

Amélie thought for a moment and said, "I want to be in a movie!"

The genie snapped his fingers, and suddenly, Amélie was transported into the film she was about to watch. She was amazed, she was actually in a movie! She danced and sang with the characters and had the time of her life. When the movie was over, the genie snapped his fingers again, and Amélie was transported back to the secret cinema.

"That was the best day ever!" Amélie exclaimed as she left the cinema, feeling happy and grateful. From that day on, she never missed a chance to watch a film at the cinema, and she never forgot the magical secret cinema.


  1. Who was the main character in the story and what did she love doing?
  2. What did Amélie find when she was walking in the city?
  3. What did the genie of the cinema offer to do for Amélie?
  4. How did Amélie feel after her adventure in the movie?
  5. What did Amélie learn about herself and about life after her adventure?
  6. Can you think of a wish you would ask the genie of the cinema for?
  7. What do you think happened to Amélie after she left the secret cinema?
  8. Why do you think the secret cinema was hidden?
  9. Who do you think might have created the secret cinema?
  10. How do you think the story would be different if Amélie didn't go to the sold-out movie and take a walk?

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