Timmy's Slip-and-Slide Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to play and have fun. One day, Timmy was playing with his friends in the park, and he suddenly tripped and fell down. "Ow!" he cried as he rubbed his knee.

His friends rushed over to see if he was okay. "Are you sure you're okay?" they asked, looking concerned.

"I think so," Timmy said, trying to stand up. But as soon as he put weight on his foot, he slipped again and fell back down. "Ow!" he cried once more.

His friends were worried that Timmy might have broken something, so they helped him up and took him to the hospital. The doctor there took an X-ray of Timmy's leg and determined that nothing was broken. But Timmy was still in a lot of pain and couldn't stand up.

The doctor told Timmy that he needed to rest and stay off his leg for a while. So, Timmy's friends helped him downstairs to his bed, where he could rest and recover.

But Timmy was not one to sit still for long. After a few minutes of lying in bed, he decided he wanted to play with his friends again. So, he tried to stand up, but once again, he slipped and fell, landing with a big "Ow!"

His friends rushed to his side once more and asked if he was okay. Timmy rubbed his back and said, "I'm okay, but I really want to go back outside and play!"

At once, his friends came up with a creative solution. They found a slip-and-slide and placed it next to Timmy's bed. Timmy could slide down the slip-and-slide and play without having to stand up or risk hurting himself again.

And so, Timmy and his friends spent the rest of the day laughing and having fun on the slip-and-slide. Timmy's leg eventually healed, and he never forgot the funny and creative way his friends helped him when he was hurt.

The end.


  1. What happened to Timmy when he was playing in the park?
  2. Why did Timmy's friends take him to the hospital?
  3. How did Timmy's friends help him when he couldn't stand up?
  4. Why was Timmy still in pain even though the X-ray showed nothing was broken?
  5. What was the solution Timmy's friends came up with to help him play again?
  6. How did Timmy feel at the end of the story?
  7. What do you think Timmy learned from this experience?
  8. How would you have helped Timmy if you were one of his friends?
  9. What do you think was the most important part of the story?
  10. Can you think of a similar experience you or someone you know has had?

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