The Beauty Spot and the Litter Basket Solution

Once upon a time, in a beautiful city surrounded by green woods, there was a very tidy place called the Beauty Spot. The place was famous for its cleanliness and every visitor who came to the city made sure to stop by and admire its beauty.

One day, as the visitors were admiring the view, a naughty little girl named Lily came along and started to litter the place with candy wrappers and banana peels. The other visitors were shocked and started to throw their own trash in the same spot. Soon, the beautiful Beauty Spot was covered in litter and looked very ugly.

The guardian of the Beauty Spot, Mrs. Tidy, was very upset when she saw what had happened. She immediately got to work, picking up the litter and putting it in the litter basket. But no matter how much she cleaned, more and more litter appeared. It seemed like the visitors just couldn't resist throwing their trash on the ground.

Mrs. Tidy decided that she needed to find a solution to this problem. She thought and thought, and finally, she had an idea. She went to the nearby hundred-year-old wood and cut down a tree to make 100 wooden litter baskets. She placed one at every corner of the Beauty Spot and asked the visitors to throw their litter in the baskets.

To her surprise, the visitors listened and started to use the litter baskets. The Beauty Spot was soon back to its beautiful and tidy self. Mrs. Tidy was so happy, and the visitors were happy too, as they could admire the beauty of the spot without being surrounded by litter.

From that day on, the visitors never littered the Beauty Spot again. And whenever a new visitor came to the city, they made sure to throw their litter in the litter basket, just like the others. And so, the Beauty Spot remained a beautiful and tidy place for generations to come.


  1. Why was the Beauty Spot famous?
  2. What did the visitors do that made the place look ugly?
  3. How did Mrs. Tidy feel when she saw the Beauty Spot covered in litter?
  4. What was Mrs. Tidy's solution to the litter problem?
  5. How did the visitors respond to Mrs. Tidy's solution?
  6. What do you think will happen if the visitors don't use the litter baskets?
  7. Why do you think it's important to keep our environment clean?
  8. Can you think of any other ways to solve the litter problem in a public place?

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