Lily's Mischievous Prank: A Story of Paint, Soap, and Magic

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a mischievous little girl named Lily. One day, Lily decided to play a prank on her friends. She took a big bucket of paint and started painting the walls of their classroom a bright shade of green.

Her friends were shocked and surprised when they saw the green walls. But that was just the beginning of Lily's joke. She then wrote a note and placed it on the teacher's desk, which read, "The walls need a wash, can you please use soap?"

The teacher, not suspecting a thing, took the soap and started washing the walls. To her surprise, the soap only made the green paint spread even more! The whole class started to giggle and laugh as the teacher tried to clean the walls.

Lily, not wanting to get in trouble, quickly escaped the classroom and hid in the library. She was flipping through a book when she stumbled upon a mysterious key. It was just the right size to fit into a small lock on a page in the book. She turned the key and to her surprise, the page opened up to reveal a secret letter!

The letter was from a magical paint fairy who granted wishes to those who found her key. Lily was overjoyed and wished for the paint to disappear from the walls. In a flash of light, the paint vanished and the walls were back to their original color.

Lily's friends were amazed and her teacher was grateful. From that day on, Lily's prank was known as the greatest joke in the kingdom. And she lived happily ever after, always on the lookout for the next magical adventure.


  1. What was Lily's prank on her friends and teacher?
  2. Why did the teacher use soap on the walls?
  3. What was the mysterious key that Lily found in the library?
  4. Who granted Lily's wish to make the paint disappear?
  5. How did the paint disappear from the walls?
  6. What was the outcome of Lily's prank?
  7. What lesson did Lily learn from her prank?

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