The Adventure of Mr. Hairy and His Magic Beard

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Mr. Hairy who had the wildest hair you've ever seen! It was so wild that birds would often build nests in it, and he loved it that way. He lived in a small village where everyone was bald. They thought Mr. Hairy was strange, but he didn't care.

One day, Mr. Hairy woke up with a big problem. He had grown a beard overnight and it covered his entire face and neck! He couldn't see his eyes, and he couldn't eat because his food got caught in his beard. He was so upset that he decided to go on a journey to find a solution.

He walked and walked until he came across a wise old wizard who lived in a cave. The wizard listened to Mr. Hairy's problem and offered to help. He took out his magic wand and cast a spell on Mr. Hairy's beard. The beard started to shrink and finally, it was back to its normal size. Mr. Hairy was so happy that he thanked the wizard and went back to his village.

When he arrived, everyone was shocked to see his beard had disappeared. They were so curious that they all gathered around to ask him what had happened. Mr. Hairy told them about his journey to see the wizard and how he had cast a spell on his beard.

The villagers were so impressed that they asked Mr. Hairy to become their new leader. They said that he was the wisest person in the village because he knew how to solve his own problems. And so, Mr. Hairy became the new leader and he ruled the village with kindness and wisdom.

From that day on, Mr. Hairy was no longer known as the strange man with wild hair. He was known as the wise leader with a magical beard! And the villagers lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. What was Mr. Hairy's biggest problem?
  2. Who did Mr. Hairy meet on his journey to solve his problem?
  3. What did the wizard do to help Mr. Hairy?
  4. How did the villagers react when they saw Mr. Hairy's beard was gone?
  5. What was Mr. Hairy's new role in the village?
  6. How did Mr. Hairy become a wise leader?
  7. Can you think of a different solution that Mr. Hairy could have tried to solve his problem?
  8. How would you describe Mr. Hairy's hair?
  9. Why do you think the villagers made Mr. Hairy their leader?
  10. What do you think the villagers learned from Mr. Hairy's adventure?

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