Tommy's Treasure Hunt: A Tale of Adventure and Direction

Once upon a time, there was a little adventurer named Tommy. Tommy loved exploring and finding new places. One day, Tommy decided to go on a big adventure to find a hidden treasure. He packed his backpack with supplies and set off on his journey.

As Tommy walked through the forest, he came to a fork in the road. He wasn't sure which way to go. Then he remembered his compass. He pulled it out of his backpack and saw that the needle was pointing to the east. Tommy thought, "East? That's a funny direction to go in." But he trusted his compass and started walking in that direction.

Soon, Tommy came to another fork in the road. This time, his compass was pointing to the left. Tommy looked around and saw a sign that said "North" to the left and "South" to the right. "Hmm," thought Tommy, "I wonder where the treasure is." He decided to go left towards the North.

After walking for a while, Tommy came to a big open field. In the center of the field, he saw a tall tower. His compass was pointing straight towards it. "This must be it!" thought Tommy. He started running towards the tower as fast as he could.

When he reached the tower, he saw a sign that said "West." Tommy looked to the left and saw a sign that said "North." He looked to the right and saw a sign that said "South." "This is getting confusing," thought Tommy. He decided to go West and see what he could find.

As he walked, Tommy saw a big river. The river was so wide that he couldn't see the other side. Suddenly, he heard a voice calling out to him. He looked down and saw a little green frog sitting on a lily pad. "Hello there!" said the frog. "I can help you find the treasure."

Tommy was so excited that he jumped up and down. "Really? Can you really help me?" he asked.

The frog nodded and said, "Yes, I can. The treasure is hidden in the West. Just follow the river and you'll find it."

Tommy thanked the frog and started following the river. He walked for a long time and finally, he saw a big shiny chest sitting on the shore. He ran over to it and opened it. Inside, he found the biggest treasure he had ever seen! There were gold coins, diamonds, and even a golden crown!

Tommy was so happy that he started dancing and singing. He had found the hidden treasure! And he knew that he had the little green frog to thank for it.

From then on, Tommy became known as the greatest adventurer in the land. And he never forgot the importance of following the right direction.


  1. What did Tommy pack in his backpack before setting off on his adventure?
  2. What did the compass needle point to at the first fork in the road?
  3. Why did Tommy go towards the North?
  4. Who helped Tommy find the hidden treasure?
  5. What did Tommy find inside the big shiny chest?
  6. How did Tommy become known as the greatest adventurer in the land?
  7. What was the most important thing Tommy learned from his adventure?

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