Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom called Snoreland, there lived a prince named Prince Doze. Prince Doze loved to sleep and could sleep for hours and hours.
One day, Prince Doze met the love of his life, Princess Yawn, who also loved to sleep. They decided to marry and have the longest and sleepiest wedding in the history of Snoreland.
After the wedding, Prince Doze and Princess Yawn went to bed, but as soon as they closed their eyes, they heard a loud noise. It was the King of Snoreland singing at the top of his voice, "Wake up Prince Doze and Princess Yawn! It's time to pray and count your blessings."
The prince and princess rubbed their eyes and saw the king standing in front of them with a big smile on his face. They got up, prayed, and started counting their blessings, which included each other, their kingdom, and their love for sleep.
After they finished counting, the king said, "Now that you're awake, it's time to dance and win the Sleepy Dance Competition!"
Prince Doze and Princess Yawn were shocked. They had never danced before and were not sure if they could win. But with the king's encouragement and a lot of practice, they became the best dancers in Snoreland.
The competition was fierce, but Prince Doze and Princess Yawn danced their way to victory, winning the Sleepy Dance Competition. From that day on, they were known as the Sleepy Dancing Prince and Princess of Snoreland.
And they lived happily ever after, sleeping, singing, praying, counting their blessings, and dancing to their hearts' content.
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