The Brave Little Artist: Emily and the Army's Adventures

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily. She loved art more than anything else in the world. She lived in a small village surrounded by a beautiful forest, where she would spend hours creating the most imaginative drawings and paintings.

One day, while she was out collecting flowers and berries in the forest, she stumbled upon a group of soldiers. They were part of the army and had been sent to the area to protect it from any danger. Emily was fascinated by their uniforms and the weapons they carried, and she asked them if she could join the army too.

The soldiers laughed and told her that she was too young and small to be a part of the army. Emily was disappointed, but she refused to give up. She went back to her village and started practicing with a stick she found in the forest. She would run around, pretending to be a soldier, and waving her stick like a sword.

One day, when the army was on a march, they suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the forest. They were afraid that it was a monster, so they prepared themselves for battle. Just as they were about to face the danger, Emily suddenly arrived, armed with her stick, ready to help.

The army was shocked to see a little girl running towards them, but they soon realized that she was not afraid. Emily swung her stick around with all her might, and the soldiers were amazed by her bravery. They decided to let her join the army and appointed her as their official art expert.

Emily's job was to paint and draw pictures of their adventures, so that they could remember them forever. She would arrive at each new area they explored and draw the most magnificent pictures of their battles and victories. The soldiers loved her drawings, and they would gather around to admire them.

From that day on, Emily was the proudest member of the army. She traveled with them, fighting monsters and exploring new lands, always with her stick in hand and a paintbrush tucked behind her ear. And every night, she would sit by the campfire, drawing and painting the day's adventures, while the soldiers would sing her praises and tell the story of the bravest little artist in the land.


  1. Who is Emily and what does she love doing?
  2. What happens when Emily meets the army soldiers in the forest?
  3. What is Emily's job in the army?
  4. What does Emily do every night while traveling with the army?
  5. What do the soldiers think of Emily and her art?
  6. How does Emily become the bravest member of the army?
  7. Can you think of any other adventures that Emily and the army could go on?
  8. What is the importance of art in this story?
  9. What lesson can we learn from Emily's determination and bravery?
  10. How would you have reacted if you were in Emily's place when she met the army soldiers?

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