The Brave Blue Boat: A Tale of Blood, Blow, and Blocks

Once upon a time, there was a brave blue boat named Blow that lived in a big, blue ocean. One day, while Blow was out sailing, he saw a group of blocks that looked like they were in trouble.

Blow sailed over to see what was happening and found that the blocks were bleeding blue blood! The blocks told Blow that a wicked witch had cast a spell on them and they needed his help to break the curse.

Blow knew he had to act fast, so he set sail to find the witch's lair. When he arrived, he saw that the witch was boiling a big pot of bones. The witch cackled when she saw Blow and said, "Ah, fresh bones for my spell! Come closer, little boat, and be my next ingredient!"

But Blow wasn't about to let the witch get the best of him. He took a deep breath, blew as hard as he could, and sent the witch flying into the air. The witch's spell was broken and the blocks were no longer bleeding.

The blocks thanked Blow for saving them and offered him a place on their board. They sailed away, laughing and having fun, and Blow felt proud of his bravery. From that day on, Blow was known as the bravest boat in all the blue ocean.

The end.


  1. What was the name of the blue boat in the story?
  2. Why were the blocks bleeding blue blood?
  3. Who did the blue boat have to save the blocks from?
  4. How did the blue boat break the witch's spell?
  5. How did the blocks thank the blue boat for saving them?
  6. What did the blue boat become known as at the end of the story?
  7. What do you think was the bravest thing the blue boat did in the story?
  8. Would you have been brave like the blue boat if you were in his place? Why or why not?

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