The Brave Little Boy and the Bowl-Belly Monster

Once upon a time, there was a brave little boy named Bobby. Bobby lived in a small village at the bottom of a big hill. He loved to go on adventures and explore the world around him.

One day, Bobby saw a box sitting on the branch of a tree. The box looked like it had been there for a long time and was covered in leaves and dirt. Bobby was curious about what was inside the box, so he climbed up the tree to take a look.

When Bobby opened the box, he found a bottle filled with a mysterious glowing liquid. He had never seen anything like it before! Bobby decided to borrow the bottle and bring it back to his village to show his friends.

As Bobby was walking back down the hill, he suddenly heard a loud growling noise coming from the bottom of the hill. Bobby was scared, but he was also brave, so he decided to keep walking and see what was making the noise.

When he reached the bottom of the hill, Bobby found a giant monster with a huge bowl for a belly. The monster was so hungry that it was eating everything in sight! Bobby was afraid, but he was also brave, so he bravely approached the monster and offered it the glowing liquid from the bottle.

The monster drank the liquid and, to Bobby's surprise, it started to shrink until it was the size of a small bowl. Bobby and the monster became friends and the monster asked Bobby to help it find its way back to its own village.

So, Bobby and the monster set off on a new adventure together, with Bobby carrying the tiny monster in a bowl. Everywhere they went, people were amazed to see the brave little boy and his new friend, and Bobby became famous for his bravery and his kindness.

And from that day on, Bobby and the monster remained the best of friends, exploring the world and having lots of fun together. The end.


  1. What was in the box that Bobby found on the tree branch?
  2. How did Bobby and the monster become friends?
  3. Why was Bobby famous after his adventure with the monster?
  4. How did the monster change after drinking the glowing liquid from the bottle?
  5. Why was Bobby brave even though he was scared?
  6. What did Bobby and the monster do together after they became friends?
  7. Can you think of another adventure that Bobby and the monster could go on together?

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