Lily's Clever chocolate choice: A tasty tale of a clever child in the city

Once upon a time, in a busy city, there was a class of clever children who loved to learn and have fun. One day, their teacher announced that they were going to have a special treat in the form of a chocolate tasting activity. The children were ecstatic!

The teacher then explained that they were going to make a big circle, and in the middle of the circle, there was going to be a pile of chocolates of different flavors and varieties. Each child would get a chance to choose one piece of chocolate, taste it, and then share with the class what they thought of it.

The children were so excited that they could hardly wait for their turn. They each took a piece of chocolate and started to taste it. Some chocolates were sweet, some were nutty, some were creamy, and some were even spicy!

One little child named Lily was very clever and had a unique idea. She didn't want to choose just one piece of chocolate. She wanted to try them all! So, she came up with a plan. She asked her classmates if they would be willing to trade their chocolates with her.

To everyone's surprise, all of the children agreed to trade their chocolates with Lily. In no time, Lily had a big pile of chocolates in front of her, and she was busy trying each one of them.

The class was having so much fun watching Lily try all the different chocolates and hearing her reactions to each one. When she was done, she had a big smile on her face and declared that she had made the best choice by trying them all.

The class erupted in laughter and applause, and from that day on, Lily was known as the clever chocolate taster of the class. The children learned that sometimes, trying different things can lead to a delicious and fun experience!


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What did the teacher announce to the class?
  3. What was Lily's clever idea?
  4. What did Lily learn from her experience?
  5. What did the other children do when Lily asked them to trade chocolates with her?
  6. What made Lily famous in the class?
  7. What did the children learn from this story?
  8. Would you like to trade chocolates with someone like Lily? Why or why not?

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