Compy's Comfortable Cooking Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a computer named Compy who lived in a comfortable home in the clouds. Compy loved to come up with cool ideas and control everything in its home with just a few clicks.

One day, Compy decided it wanted to try cooking. So, it started searching the internet for recipes. After scrolling through countless pages, Compy finally found a recipe for the most delicious cookies.

Excited to get started, Compy gathered all the ingredients and started mixing them together. But, as soon as the dough was ready, Compy realized it had a problem. It didn't have any hands to shape the cookies!

Just then, a common fairy appeared and offered to help Compy. "I'll shape the cookies for you," the fairy said, "but you have to promise to continue spreading joy and kindness wherever you go."

Compy agreed and the fairy got to work. In no time, the cookies were ready to be baked. As they baked, the aroma filled the air and Compy couldn't wait to taste them.

Once the cookies were done, Compy took a bite and was in for a big surprise. They were the most delicious cookies it had ever tasted! And, to make the experience even better, Compy compared them to all the cookies in the world and found that they were the best!

The fairy was pleased and said, "You see, Compy, it's the love and joy you put into cooking that makes the difference. Now, you have complete control over your cooking skills and can continue making delicious treats for everyone to enjoy."

And that's just what Compy did. It continued to cook and spread joy and happiness with every bite. And everyone lived happily ever after, in a world filled with delicious treats and kindness. The end.


  1. What did Compy want to try doing for the first time?
  2. How did Compy make cookies without hands?
  3. What did the fairy help Compy with?
  4. What did the fairy ask Compy to promise in return for its help?
  5. How did the cookies turn out in the end?
  6. What did Compy learn about cooking?
  7. What was the message of the story?
  8. What was your favorite part of the story?
  9. Do you think you would like to try cooking like Compy?
  10. How do you think you can spread joy and happiness in your own way?

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