Lily's Double Dream Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a door named Drew. Drew was a very special door, because every time someone walked through him, they would fall into a deep dream. One day, a little girl named Lily was playing in her room and decided to walk through Drew. She was transported into a magical world where everything was double the size, even the dishes and drinks!

Lily was so excited to explore this new place, but as she started to walk around, she realized she was wearing the wrong dress. It was a frilly pink tutu and she felt silly wearing it in this new world. Suddenly, she heard a dog barking in the distance and decided to follow the sound. She found a big, friendly dog named Duke and asked if he had seen any clothes that might fit her better.

Duke wagged his tail and led her to a store where she could buy a new dress. She picked out a beautiful blue dress that matched her eyes and put it on. Now she felt much more comfortable exploring this new world.

As she was walking around, she stumbled upon a pencil and a pad of paper. She decided to draw a map of this magical world so she wouldn't get lost. After she finished her map, she started to discover all sorts of amazing things. She found a double-decker bus that she could drive, a dish that never ran out of food, and a drink that made her grow tall and then small again.

Lily had the time of her life in this magical world, but eventually, she had to go back home. She said goodbye to Duke and walked back through Drew, the door. When she opened her eyes, she was back in her own room, but she was not the same. She was more confident and adventurous, and she had the map of the magical world to remind her of her amazing journey.

From that day on, whenever Lily walked through Drew, she would always be ready for a new adventure and to discover all sorts of new things. And the best part was, she knew that she could always come back to this magical world whenever she wanted to.


  1. What was special about the door named Drew?
  2. What happened to Lily when she walked through Drew?
  3. What was the name of the friendly dog Lily met in the magical world?
  4. What did Lily do to help her remember her adventure in the magical world?
  5. How did Lily feel when she returned home after her adventure?
  6. What do you think will happen if Lily walks through Drew again?
  7. Can you think of your own adventure you would like to have in a magical world?
  8. What kind of clothes would you choose to wear in a magical world?
  9. What would you like to discover if you had an adventure like Lily's?
  10. Can you draw a picture of the magical world Lily visited?

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