Once upon a time, in a far-off land to the east, there lived a group of creatures called "Ears". Ears were special creatures because they had big, fluffy ears that they could use to hear everything on the earth!
One day, the Ears decided they wanted to earn some money, so they could eat all the yummy treats they wanted. They brainstormed and came up with a plan to use their amazing hearing abilities to start an education business. They would teach others how to listen better and pay them for it!
Early in the morning, the Ears opened up their business and started advertising. They soon had a long line of creatures eager to learn from the best listeners on earth. The Ears taught each student carefully, showing them how to use their own ears to listen for important sounds.
The business was a huge success! The Ears were earning more money than they ever could have imagined. They ate all sorts of delicious treats, and even built a big, fancy school for their business. The students were happy too because they were learning something new and easy each day.
And so, the Ears lived happily ever after, using their big, fluffy ears to make the earth a better place, one lesson at a time!
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