Squeaky's Exam Adventure: The Smartest Escape in the Forest

Once upon a time, there was a little squirrel named Squeaky. Squeaky loved to play and have fun, but most of all, he loved to escape from his daily routine.

One day, Squeaky heard that there was going to be a big examination at the end of the week for all the animals in the forest. Every single animal was preparing for it, and everybody was worried about getting a good grade.

But not Squeaky! He thought, "Why study for an examination when I can escape and have fun instead?" So, he made a plan to escape the day of the examination.

The day of the examination arrived, and everyone gathered in the clearing to take the test. Even the strictest teacher, Mr. Owl, was there to make sure everyone stayed in line.

But just as Mr. Owl was about to start the examination, Squeaky made his escape! He slipped away and ran as fast as he could.

Squeaky ran and ran, until he came across a sign that read: "Welcome to the Fun Park!" Squeaky was so excited that he ran inside to see what kind of fun events they had.

To his surprise, there was a different event happening every hour, and every single one was even more exciting than the last! Squeaky spent the whole day trying out different events and having the time of his life.

As the evening approached, Squeaky realized that he had completely forgotten about the examination! He quickly made his way back to the clearing, expecting the worst.

But to his surprise, everyone was still there, taking the examination. Squeaky thought, "I've missed the whole examination! I'm going to get in trouble!"

But then, Mr. Owl called Squeaky's name. Squeaky was so nervous that he thought, "This is it. I'm going to get a zero on the examination."

But Mr. Owl smiled and said, "Squeaky, I've been looking for you all day! You passed the examination with flying colors! Your exact score was 100%!"

Everyone cheered and clapped for Squeaky, who was now known as the smartest animal in the forest. From that day on, Squeaky still loved to escape and have fun, but he also made sure to pay attention to his studies. The end.


  1. Why was everyone worried about the examination in the story?
  2. What did Squeaky do when he heard about the examination?
  3. What did Squeaky find at the Fun Park?
  4. How did Squeaky feel when he realized he had missed the examination?
  5. Why was Squeaky surprised when Mr. Owl called his name at the end of the story?
  6. What was Squeaky's score on the examination?
  7. How did the other animals react when they found out Squeaky's score?
  8. Do you think Squeaky will remember to pay attention to his studies in the future?
  9. What lesson did Squeaky learn from his exam adventure?
  10. Would you have done the same thing as Squeaky in the story? Why or why not?

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