The Storytelling Eye Champion: A Summer Festival Tale

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily. She lived in a small village where everyone was extremely excited about the annual Summer Festival. It was a time for food, games, and most importantly, the Big Eye Challenge!

The Big Eye Challenge was a contest where the participants had to keep their eyes open as wide as they could for as long as they could. The winner would receive a very expensive prize, and everyone expected Emily to win, as she had won the last three years in a row.

Emily, who loved to exercise her eyes, was more than ready for the challenge. But this year, there was a catch. The rules had changed and the participants had to explain a story while keeping their eyes open.

Emily was a bit worried as she had never been good at telling stories, but she decided to give it a try anyway. She cleared her throat and started her story.

"Once upon a time, there was a man who had an extremely expensive diamond, but he was always worried about losing it. One day, he put the diamond in a safe, but he couldn't remember the combination to open it. He tried and tried, but nothing worked. Then, he had an idea. He would ask his friend, who was a detective, to help him."

Emily's eyes were getting tired, but she was determined to keep going. Suddenly, she had a brilliant idea and changed the story.

"Wait a minute! What if the detective was actually the one who stole the diamond in the first place? And he was trying to find a way to open the safe and get his hands on the valuable gem!"

The crowd gasped as Emily's eyes grew wider and wider. She had done it! She had kept her eyes open and told an exciting story at the same time. The judges declared her the winner, and she received the most expensive prize ever given out at the Summer Festival.

From that day on, Emily was known as the "Storytelling Eye Champion," and everyone in the village looked up to her as an example of how to keep your eyes open and your imagination running wild.


  1. What was the Big Eye Challenge in the Summer Festival?
  2. Who was expected to win the challenge?
  3. What did the participants have to do in the new version of the challenge?
  4. How did Emily change her story in the middle of the challenge?
  5. What did Emily receive as a prize for winning the challenge?
  6. What was Emily known as after she won the challenge?
  7. Why was Emily a good example for others in the village?

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