The Brave Little Girl and the Female Elephant's Fever

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little girl named Felicity. Felicity was always looking for an adventure, but today was different. She had a fever and didn't feel very well.

As she lay in bed, she heard a strange noise coming from outside. She cautiously got out of bed and tiptoed to the window to take a look. To her surprise, she saw a big, friendly-looking elephant standing in her backyard!

Felicity was a bit afraid at first, but the elephant just looked at her with big, friendly eyes and said, "Excuse me, miss, but I am very hungry. Do you think you could feed me?"

Felicity was a brave little girl and decided to help the hungry elephant. She quickly made her way to the kitchen to grab some food for her new friend. She gathered some fruits and vegetables and headed back outside.

As she fed the elephant, she noticed that the elephant didn't seem to be feeling very well either. The elephant said, "I think I have a fever. I don't feel very good at all."

Felicity knew just what to do! She ran back into her house and grabbed a thermometer. She placed it under the elephant's tongue and waited for the results. The thermometer read 101°F!

Felicity was worried and asked the elephant, "What can I do to help you feel better?" The elephant replied, "I think I just need some rest. Can I take a nap in your backyard?"

Felicity happily agreed and helped the elephant find a comfortable spot to rest. She even found a blanket to keep the elephant warm.

As the elephant slept, Felicity couldn't help but feel a little bit to blame for the elephant's fever. She thought, "Maybe it was my fault for not noticing the elephant was sick sooner."

But just as she was feeling guilty, the elephant suddenly woke up and said, "Thank you so much for your help! I feel much better now. And by the way, I forgot to mention one thing. I am not just any elephant, I am a female elephant!"

Felicity was shocked and couldn't believe her eyes. She had never met a female elephant before! From that day on, Felicity and the female elephant became the best of friends and went on many adventures together.

And that is the story of how Felicity, a brave little girl, helped a female elephant feel better and made a new friend in the process.


  1. Why did Felicity help the female elephant?
  2. How did Felicity feel when she found out the elephant was sick?
  3. How did Felicity make the female elephant feel better?
  4. What was Felicity's reaction when she found out that the elephant was a female?
  5. What did Felicity and the female elephant do after they became friends?
  6. What was the moral of the story?
  7. How would you have reacted if you were in Felicity's shoes?
  8. Why was it important for Felicity to help others, even if they were different from her?

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