The Tourists' Adventure in Russia

Once upon a time, there was a tourist named Alex who loved to travel the world. One day, Alex decided to visit Russia. While there, he met a Russian named Ivan who showed him around the beautiful city. Ivan was so proud of his country and wanted to share its beauty with Alex.

One day, they came across a Dutch tourist named Pieter. Pieter was fascinated by the bright, colorful buildings in Russia and wanted to take some pictures. Alex and Ivan joined Pieter and they explored the city together, taking pictures of the buildings in red, grey, yellow, black, and orange.

These three tourists had so much fun together, and they all agreed that the buildings in Russia were some of the most beautiful they had ever seen. They also made a promise to keep in touch and travel the world together again someday.

The end.


  1. Who is Alex in the story and what does he love to do?
  2. Who showed Alex around Russia?
  3. What did Pieter find fascinating about Russia?
  4. What colors did the tourists take pictures of the buildings in?
  5. What did the three tourists promise to do in the future?

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