The Adventures of Goldie and the Trail of Gold

Once upon a time, there was a goat named Goldie who lived in a small village with her grandfather and grandmother. Goldie was a very good goat and was loved by everyone in the village.

One day, Goldie's grandfather said goodbye to her as he was going on a trip to visit his friends. Goldie was a little sad as she would miss her grandfather, but her grandmother consoled her saying that he will be back soon.

Days passed and Goldie's grandfather did not return. Goldie and her grandmother started to get worried, so they decided to go and find him. They traveled far and wide, but they could not find him.

Feeling hopeless, Goldie and her grandmother sat down on a grassy meadow and prayed to God for help. Suddenly, they heard a soft voice that said "Follow the trail of gold."

They followed the trail of gold and it led them to a cave. They entered the cave and to their surprise, they found Goldie's grandfather sitting on a pile of gold coins, laughing!

Goldie asked, "Grandfather, what are you doing here with all this gold?"

Her grandfather replied, "I found this gold by accident and I thought it would be good to keep it for us."

Goldie's grandmother scolded him, "You should not have kept it without sharing it with others. It's not good to be greedy."

Realizing his mistake, Goldie's grandfather distributed the gold coins among the villagers and they all lived happily ever after. And from that day on, they always remembered to be good and share with others.


  1. Why did Goldie and her grandmother go on an adventure to find her grandfather?
  2. What did they find in the cave?
  3. Why did Goldie's grandfather keep the gold coins?
  4. How did Goldie's grandmother feel about the gold coins?
  5. What did Goldie's grandfather do with the gold coins in the end?
  6. Why was it important for Goldie's grandfather to share the gold coins?
  7. What did Goldie and her family learn from this experience?

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