The Magic Ladder Adventure of Lulu the Large Lady

Once upon a time, there was a large lady named Lulu. She lived in a land where everything was always last minute. One day, she realized that her lamp was not working, and she needed to fix it right away!

She went to the store and asked for a ladder to reach the top of her tall bookshelf where the lamp was located. The store owner gave her a ladder, but warned her that it was a magic ladder and that she should be careful what she wished for.

Lulu shrugged it off and took the ladder home, eager to fix her lamp. She climbed up the ladder and as she reached for the lamp, she wished for the ladder to grow taller. Suddenly, the ladder started growing and growing until it was as tall as a mountain!

Lulu was so high up that she could see the entire land from where she was standing. She started to panic, realizing that she was stuck on the ladder with no way down. Just then, she remembered the store owner's warning about the magic ladder.

In a moment of desperation, she wished for the ladder to become short again. And just like that, the ladder shrank back to its original size, and Lulu safely stepped down. From that day on, Lulu was much more careful with her wishes and made sure to always think twice before wishing for anything on the magic ladder!


  1. What did Lulu go to the store to buy?
  2. Why did the store owner warn Lulu about the ladder?
  3. What happened when Lulu wished for the ladder to grow taller?
  4. What did Lulu wish for when she was stuck on the tall ladder?
  5. What lesson did Lulu learn at the end of the story?
  6. Do you think you would be careful with your wishes if you had a magic ladder? Why or why not?

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