The Incredible Machine and the Man Made Map

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a man named Mark. Mark was a very creative man who loved to make things. One day, he had an idea to create a machine that could make anything!

So, he set to work and after many long days and nights, the machine was finally ready. Mark was so excited that he couldn't wait to show it off to the people of the kingdom.

He decided to set up a market in the main square of the kingdom to showcase his amazing invention. Many people came from far and wide to see the incredible machine.

Mark was demonstrating how the machine worked when a male customer asked, "What does this machine make?"

"Anything you want!" Mark exclaimed with a smile.

The male customer thought for a moment and then asked, "Can it make a map?"

Mark was confident that the machine could make a map, so he loaded the necessary materials into the machine and turned it on. The machine whirred and buzzed, but when it was finished, instead of a map, out popped a man!

Everyone in the market was amazed and started to laugh. The man from the machine looked around and then asked, "Where am I?"

"You're in the kingdom!" Mark explained.

The man from the machine looked confused, so Mark handed him a map and said, "Here, this will help you find your way around."

From that day on, the man from the machine became a regular at the market, always asking Mark to make something new and exciting. And Mark was always happy to oblige, with the help of his amazing machine.

The people of the kingdom never forgot the day they saw a man made by a machine and they still laugh about it to this day.


  1. What did Mark's machine do?
  2. Who asked Mark if the machine could make a map?
  3. What came out of the machine instead of a map?
  4. What did Mark give the man from the machine to help him find his way around the kingdom?
  5. Why do you think the people of the kingdom laughed and never forgot the day they saw a man made by a machine?

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