The Grumpy Man's Delicious Discovery

Once upon a time, there was a mean old man named Mr. Grump. He lived in a small village and was known to be the grumpiest person around. No one in the village liked him, and he didn't have any friends.

One day, Mr. Grump fell ill, and the village doctor prescribed him some medicine. But Mr. Grump didn't like taking medicine, and he thought it was nasty. So, he decided to try something different.

He went to the village butcher and bought a big chunk of meat. He then took it to his kitchen and mixed the medicine with the meat. He thought to himself, "If I have to take the medicine, I might as well make it taste good."

The next day, Mr. Grump invited all the villagers for a meal. They were all surprised when they saw him being so nice, and they all agreed to come. When they sat down for the meal, Mr. Grump served them the meat that he had mixed with the medicine.

To everyone's surprise, the meat tasted delicious! They all asked for seconds and even thirds. Mr. Grump was happy to see everyone enjoying the meal and he finally realized that being mean wasn't the right way to go.

After the meal, the villagers asked Mr. Grump if they could meet with him to discuss a proposal. They wanted him to become a member of the village council and help make important decisions. Mr. Grump was overjoyed, and he agreed to become a member of the council.

From that day on, Mr. Grump was no longer mean, and he lived happily ever after, helping the villagers and making sure everyone was well-fed with delicious meals. The end.

Moral of the story: Never measure someone by their grumpiness, for they may surprise you with their kindness.


  1. What was Mr. Grump's personality like before he invited the villagers for a meal?
  2. Why did the villagers agree to come to Mr. Grump's meal?
  3. How did the villagers feel about Mr. Grump after the meal?
  4. What was the proposal the villagers made to Mr. Grump?
  5. How did Mr. Grump change after becoming a member of the village council?
  6. What was the moral of the story?
  7. Do you think it's possible for a mean person to change and become kind? Why or why not?
  8. Can you think of any other ways to make medicine taste better?
  9. Would you like to try the meat mixed with medicine that Mr. Grump served to the villagers? Why or why not?
  10. Do you think Mr. Grump will ever go back to being mean again? Why or why not?

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