Mocha the Money-Making Monkey

Once upon a time, there was a monkey named Mocha who lived in a modern jungle. Mocha was always on the lookout for ways to make more money. One morning, as he was swinging from tree to tree, he saw a shiny object in the distance.

As he got closer, he realized it was a bag of money! He was so excited, he swung down from the tree and grabbed the bag, hugging it tightly.

But then, Mocha realized he had a problem. He had so much money, he didn't know what to do with it all! He thought and thought, but nothing came to mind.

Just then, he remembered that the next full moon was only a month away. Mocha had always heard that the full moon brought good luck, so he decided to save all his money until then.

Every day, Mocha counted his money and couldn't believe how much he had saved. And finally, the day of the full moon arrived. Mocha was so excited, he couldn't sleep the whole night.

The moment the moon was full and bright in the sky, Mocha took all his money and threw it into the air, shouting "Bring me more money!"

And to his surprise, the money started raining down from the sky, and Mocha was surrounded by money! He couldn't believe it, he was finally rich!

From that day on, Mocha lived a life of luxury, spending his money on the most modern and fun things. And every full moon, he would throw his money into the air and watch as it rained down from the sky, bringing him even more riches.

And so, Mocha lived happily ever after, with more money than he ever dreamed of. The end.


  1. Why did Mocha want to make more money?
  2. How did Mocha feel when he first found the bag of money?
  3. Why did Mocha decide to wait until the full moon to use his money?
  4. What did Mocha do when the full moon finally arrived?
  5. How did Mocha feel when he was surrounded by money raining down from the sky?
  6. What did Mocha do with his new wealth?
  7. Do you think Mocha lived happily ever after? Why or why not?

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