The Adventures of Nearly and the Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses

Once upon a time, in a neck of the woods, there was a nation of peculiar creatures known as Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses. They were so named because of their long and narrow necks and their sharp noses, which were shaped like needles.

The Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses were a curious and adventurous lot, always eager to explore the wonders of nature. They lived near a great forest and loved to spend their days discovering new things.

One day, a Needle-Neck Narrow-Nose named Nearly stumbled upon a strange object lying in the grass. It was a needle! Nearly was amazed, as he had never seen one before. He took it back to his friends and showed it to them.

"What is it?" they asked, "And why is it so shiny?"

Nearly explained that the needle was used by humans to sew things together. The Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses were fascinated by this new tool and decided they needed to learn more about humans.

So, they set out on a journey to find a human and ask them about their strange and wondrous ways. They traveled far and wide, but no human could be found.

Just when they were about to give up, they stumbled upon a village of humans. The Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses were scared at first, but their curious nature got the better of them and they approached the humans.

"Excuse me," said Nearly, "We are from the Needle-Neck Narrow-Nose nation and we need to know more about you humans."

The humans were amused by the strange creatures and welcomed them with open arms. They showed them all sorts of things, from how to use a needle to how to build houses. The Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses were amazed by all they saw and learned, and they quickly became great friends with the humans.

And from that day forward, the Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses and the humans lived in harmony, sharing their knowledge and helping each other in any way they could.

The end.


  1. What is the name of the nation of creatures in the story?
  2. How did Nearly find the needle?
  3. What did the Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses want to know about humans?
  4. How did the Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses and humans become friends?
  5. What did the Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses learn from the humans?
  6. How did the story end?
  7. Can you think of any other adventures that Nearly and the Needle-Neck Narrow-Noses might go on?

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