The Peacemaker Pencil: The Tale of Pen and His Pepper

Once upon a time, in a world full of people, there was a pencil named Pen who lived in a small village. Pen was no ordinary pencil, for he had a special talent of bringing peace wherever he went. People loved him for his kind nature and his ability to make them smile.

One day, while on a walk down a path, Pen came across a person who was upset. The person was crying because he had lost his per (short for per cent sign). Pen asked the person what had happened, and the person explained that he was a baker and was in the middle of making a cake when the per had flown away.

Pen knew exactly what to do. He used his magic powers to sprinkle some pepper over the person, which made him sneeze, and the per flew right back into his hands. The person was so grateful and thanked Pen for his help.

As a reward, the person offered to pay for Pen's lunch. Pen gratefully accepted and was treated to the most delicious meal he had ever had. The person also gave Pen a small jar of pepper, which Pen cherished and kept with him always.

From that day on, Pen went around helping people and spreading peace wherever he went. His kindness and good deeds became famous throughout the land, and everyone wanted to be his friend.

Years went by, and Pen's reputation as a peacemaker continued to grow. In fact, he became so well-known that he was invited to be the peacekeeper of the entire world!

And so, with his jar of pepper and his trusty pencil, Pen went on to bring peace and happiness to every single person, past, present, and future. And that, my friends, is how Pen became the perfect peacekeeper of the world!


  1. Who is Pen in the story and what is special about him?

  2. What does Pen do to help the baker in the story?

  3. Why did the person offer to pay for Pen's lunch as a reward?

  4. How does Pen spread peace throughout the land?

  5. What is the significance of the jar of pepper in the story?

  6. How does Pen become the peacekeeper of the world?

  7. Can you think of other ways that Pen could have helped the person who lost his per?

  8. How can you be like Pen in your own life and spread peace and happiness to those around you?

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