Timmy the Lifeguard: From Poor to Popular in One Day

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a popular swimming pool. All the kids in the town loved to spend their afternoons there, splashing around and having fun.

One day, a poor kid named Timmy decided he wanted to join in on the fun. However, he didn't have any money to pay for the entrance fee. So, he came up with a plan.

He disguised himself as a lifeguard and positioned himself at the pool, pretending to keep an eye out for any dangers. The other kids didn't suspect a thing, and Timmy was having the time of his life, swimming and playing with his new friends.

But his fun didn't last long. The police were called to the pool because someone had reported seeing a suspicious character lurking around. Timmy tried to be as polite as possible, but the officers didn't believe his story.

Just when things were starting to look really bad for Timmy, the real lifeguard showed up. He explained that Timmy was actually his little brother, and that he was just playing a game. The police were relieved, and Timmy was allowed to stay and continue enjoying the pool.

Or so he thought. Suddenly, one of the kids started to feel sick. They had accidentally drank some pool water that was mixed with poison! Timmy quickly jumped into action and used his lifeguard skills to save the day. He was a hero, and from that day on, he was allowed to swim in the pool for free, anytime he wanted.

And that's the story of how Timmy went from poor to popular, all because he was polite and brave, and had a little bit of luck on his side. The end.


  1. What was Timmy's plan to get into the popular pool?
  2. What happened when the police were called to the pool?
  3. How did Timmy become a hero?
  4. What did Timmy do to help the kid who drank poison?
  5. Why was Timmy allowed to swim for free after the incident?
  6. How did Timmy go from poor to popular?
  7. What do you think would have happened if Timmy wasn't polite to the police?
  8. What can you learn from Timmy's actions in the story?

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