The Prince's Practical Joke and the Present Prize

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a Prince who loved to play practical jokes on his subjects. One day, the Prince came up with his most mischievous plan yet.
He decided to put a "Press" button in the royal palace that, when pressed, would change the decoration of the room to a prison.

The Prince invited all the noble people of the kingdom to a grand celebration in the palace, promising them a "pretty" good time. Little did they know, the Prince had a trick up his sleeve.
As soon as the guests arrived, the Prince offered them a challenge. The first person to find the "Press" button and press it would win a "prize".

The guests searched high and low, but no one could find the button. Suddenly, the Prince revealed the button and pressed it himself, changing the room into a prison with bars on the windows. The guests were shocked and horrified.

But the Prince just chuckled and told them not to worry. He had the "power" to change it back and offered to do so, but only if someone could guess the secret word. The guests tried every word they could think of, but none of them worked.

Just then, a young girl stepped forward and whispered the word "present" into the Prince's ear. The room instantly transformed back to its original state, and the guests cheered.

The Prince was impressed and asked the girl how she knew the secret word. She told him that she had overheard him talking to his advisor about his plans and "probably" thought the secret word would be related to the celebration.

The Prince was so proud of the girl's quick thinking that he awarded her the "prize" and promised to never play practical jokes on his subjects again. From that day forward, the kingdom was filled with laughter and joy, and the Prince and the young girl became the best of friends.

And they all lived happily ever after, with the Prince making sure to keep his practical jokes to a minimum and always asking for consent before playing them.


  1. Why did the Prince play a practical joke on the guests at the celebration?
  2. How did the young girl figure out the secret word to change the room back?
  3. What did the Prince learn from playing the practical joke?
  4. Why is it important to always ask for consent before playing practical jokes?
  5. How did the Prince and the young girl become friends in the end?

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